Journal Articles
"Disparities in PM2.5 air pollution in the United States", (2020) Science, Vol 369, Issue 6503, pp. 575-578. With Jonathan Colmer (UVa), Jay Shimshack (UVa), and John Voorheis (U.S. Census). For an ungated copy, please visit Jonathan Colmer's website. Media: AAAS, Reuters, The Guardian, Science News, NPR, E&E News, Gizmodo, UPI News, UVA Today.
 "Buy Me a River: Purchasing Water Rights to Restore River Flows in the Western USA", (2020) JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, Vol 56, Issue 1, pp. 1-15. With Brian D Richter, Stephen Andrews, Rhaude Dahlinghaus, Gabriella Freckmann, Sam Ganis, James Green, Marissa Palmer, Jessica Shalvey.
"The Future of Electricity Retailing and How We Get There", (2022) Springer: Lecture Notes in Energy, Vol 41. With Frank A. Wolak (Stanford).
Works in Progress
"Pollution Information and Affordable Housing in the United States", with Peter Bergman (UT Austin) and Jonathan Colmer (UVa)
"Modeling Competition in the Global Market for Coal and Natural Gas", with Frank A. Wolak (Stanford)
Working paper available soon